Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Family Pictures
with love ♥ tory 5 comments
Light Night
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Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Turkey Day
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6 Months Old!

6 month stats: 16 lb 4 oz and 26 3/4 in long!
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OH Christmas Tree, OH Christmas Tree..
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First Tooth
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Bath Time and Sippy Cups
Abby was purposely being a goober and wouldn't look at the camera!
Abby's doctor suggested we introduce her to a sippy cup and she loves it! She took to it so well.
This picture was taken by a wonderful photographer, her cousin Angel. (She loves my camera.)
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Our Pre-Thanksgiving
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Happy Halloween!
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5 months!

Daddy and Abby.

This was daddy's fault!
(This wasn't her first food but this was her first time eating carrots, and this is what I came home to one after noon from class. Brent had left her carrots on her tray while he went to the restroom and within a couple seconds, BAM, carrots are everywhere and Abby painting a carrot master piece!) She had so much fun!
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Baby Shower and Birthdays
Devon-she is a cute prego!
The diaper cake I made! This was only the second one I've ever made and definately my favorite!

Baby Kayne Lee was born Oct. 30th and was 8lb 9oz. It was so weird to hold a new new baby!
After the baby shower was Kenlyn's 4th Birthday Party! I use to babysit Kenlyn when she was a little baby, then Melissa took over the job and Kenlyn just adores "Meme."
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Bebe Pod and Jumperoo!
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
BabyLegs are basically baby tights but aren't connected and cover just the legs. You can order them from ,buy them from target or make them out of adult knee socks. Here are the directions Grandma and I followed but you have to make sure and read all of the comments because the directions can be confusing, but are simple once you get them.
These are made from tall toe socks. I'm making MORE tomorrow so I will post more pictures of my finished products!!
Yay for (fake) BabyLegs!
with love ♥ tory 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thank You Nicole...
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Love this pic of Abby and Melissa, and I didn't mean to get Mels face in the pic.
with love ♥ tory 3 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Already 4 Months!
Abby has already been here with us for 4 months! She is just an amazing little person that we just love so much. She is such a wonderful and fun baby, she is the joy in our lives! Her personality shines more and more each day!
with love ♥ tory 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Showin Off My Skills!
Abby has been rolling over for a little over 3 weeks now. She kind of took a little break between those weeks, but now she has perfected her new skill!
(I sound like a DORK!)
This is from today. Abby is 17 weeks. I can't believe my sweetie is going to be 4 months in just 4 days!
Abby loves sitting outside, sitting in her Bebe Pod and chewing on her Bebe Pod! She's too much fun!
with love ♥ tory 4 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Toys!

JUST FOR NANA! I told you she would LOVE this thing!! Thank you :)
with love ♥ tory 3 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Abby News: Roll Over! Roll Over!
Abby rolled over (tummy to back)! Oh my, it was soo amazing to get to see her do it for her first time! Here's the story: Abby was taking a nap on Grandma Sonyas bed this past weekend and I heard her starting to wake up, so I peeked in the room and I noticed that she was putting her little tush way up in the air. So I went and got Brent to come and watch her with me. We watched her for about 5 minutes at she kept getting closer and closer to pushing her body over to her back. So I ran and got my camera and started to record her! And low and behold about 2 minutes later, she rolled over! I am super glad I got to witness this huge milestone but to get it on camera is awesome! I think it's a little long to post but I will try.
Abby just amazes me more and more everyday! I love her to pieces! Every time she shows off her little smile it just melts my heart! I feel so blessed to have something as precious as her and extremely blessed to be her mom and to have such a loving and caring boyfriend as Brent. He is such a great dad and is so great with Abby! Abby is truly a Daddy's Girl, not to mention Abby already has Brent wrapped around her finger!
with love ♥ tory 3 comments
We moved!
I know this is kind of late but WE MOVED! Brent, Abby and I got an apartment in Maryville, where I go to school, Brent works and Abby's doctor is at. It's about 45 minutes from mom and a bigger town then Albany! We love it here. We love the fact of finally being on our own, in our own space, living as our own little family! Though we are both very thankful for mom and Sonya for supporting us and putting a roof over our heads, I do miss being in Albany and not being able to see mom everyday but we do make a trip back every weekend! ;) Grandmas and Nanas need their Abbers fix!
Sorry for the picture overload!
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