Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Any Day Now!!!



Last night...

I just can't believe it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Family Pictures

It's great having a mom who takes FABULOUS pictures! She is so good at what she does..SEE! :)
(Mom took the pictures, I just edited them)

Brent is a HUGE Chiefs Fan even though they aren't having the greatest season.

My sisters and Abby!
Left to right-Aunt Christy, Aunt Melissa, Me!

Abby and Santa *cough-Daddy-cough*

Christy picked out her Christmas tutu!

Tutu again!

I am IN LOVE with this picture!

I lve her to pieces!

Light Night

In the little town of Albany, it's tradition that on the Friday night after Thanksgiving they light up the square and have a Christmas Parade with Santa and all! It was too cold to stand outside so Abby and I stayed warm inside Marilyn's flower shop (a friend of mom's). She likes spoiling Abby. Notice the singing stuffed Christmas dog and the yummy blue sucker!

Yum! She likes it!

Monday, December 8, 2008


..for the Blog over load. But there's MORE coming!!!

(That is, when I DO blog) ;)
Eleven (11!) New posts below! Down, down, down!
Two (2!) Above! ^^

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Turkey Day

It was so nice to have a break from school and Brent a break from work, but it all went WAY TO FAST! Like last year we had to attend 2 Thanksgivings, but that was okay with us! For lunch we ate with Brent's side of the family and it was great because I got to meet some family that I've only got to hear about until now! It was a lot of fun and Abby was such a great sport with the big crowd!

Abby with her "cousin" Kris.

After lunch, waiting on dinner at mom's house.

Our second Thanksgiving meal was at mom's. It was yummy too! It was nice to have a somewhat "large" family Thanksgiving dinner again. Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Eric, Jolene, Angel, Christy, Brent, Me, Abby.

6 Months Old!

Our Abby is 6 months old! It's so crazy to think that she has been here with us for half a year. She's absolutely the best. She is an amazing little piece of perfect. She is so much fun and it seems as if she is learning something new everyday! She is such a hands on little girl and loves to touch everything, her hair, ears, belly, toes, feet and everything in arms reach. She loves tummy time and her play mat and playing on the carpet and doing her mini push ups, and she is even to a point where she will get on her hands and knees for a couple seconds. And she also sits unassisted pretty much too! It is such a joy to get to experience all these new discoveries with her. She is such a great eater too! She gobbles down each meal with a smile on her face weather its green beans or pears, she loves them all. I just love her soo soo much!

6 month stats: 16 lb 4 oz and 26 3/4 in long!

OH Christmas Tree, OH Christmas Tree..

We just couldn't wait! We put our Christmas tree up even before Thanksgiving. It's fake but it still was so much fun to get to pick out our first tree together as a family!
Abby even wanted to help! :)

Nov. 21

First Tooth

We knew Abby has been teething for a while now and we were just counting the days until the darn thing popped through, and it finally did. On Wednesday, November 19th I had a night class so I asked one of my friends, Jakki, a freshman at Northwest also, to watch Abby, she said yes of course so I took Abby to her dorm room, told Jakki if she needed anything to text me. About an hour into class I get a text from her saying she is just a tad fussy and is taking a nap, then 20 minutes later she texts me again saying she won't calm down. So I pack my things and head to her dorm, as always the minute I take Abby into my arms she's fine :) then Abby takes my hand to chew on, then OUCH she has a pokey tooth on her bottom gum! That explained everything, but poor least it will be a fun memory to always be able to tell!
I haven't been able to snap a picture of her new tooth but here is one before I left for class.

Bath Time and Sippy Cups

Abby loves bath time, she loves to splash her chew on her bath toys!
Abby was purposely being a goober and wouldn't look at the camera!

Abby's doctor suggested we introduce her to a sippy cup and she loves it! She took to it so well.
This picture was taken by a wonderful photographer, her cousin Angel. (She loves my camera.)

Our Pre-Thanksgiving

Brent's grandma Betty had some family up the first of November so we went over for dinner and it was a preview of Thanksgiving! It was yummy!

Abby playing with her "Uncle" Dave.

Happy Halloween!

For Abby's 5 month portraits we decided to do them in her Halloween costume. She was our little Lamb Chop.

Even though Brent had to work that night, we still had a lot of fun with our Lamb Chop and showing her off to family!

5 months!

On Oct. 23rd Abby was 5 months! I know I'm late on this but I had to post pictures! So much happened in her 5th month here with us. She tried her first foods, she discovered her toes, helped decorate for her first Halloween, and rolling everywhere! Abby is just so amazing, she makes everyday a great day and is such a wonderful and happy baby. Every time I look at her, I fall in love all over again. She is my world and I could never imagine her not here with us!

Daddy and Abby.

This was daddy's fault!
(This wasn't her first food but this was her first time eating carrots, and this is what I came home to one after noon from class. Brent had left her carrots on her tray while he went to the restroom and within a couple seconds, BAM, carrots are everywhere and Abby painting a carrot master piece!) She had so much fun!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Baby Shower and Birthdays

Abby and I got to go to a baby shower for a friend, Devon, and it was a lot of fun! It was great to see her and all my other friends since leaving for college! I made her a diaper was so much fun, they are my new favorite thing to do!

Devon-she is a cute prego!

The diaper cake I made! This was only the second one I've ever made and definately my favorite!

Baby Kayne Lee was born Oct. 30th and was 8lb 9oz. It was so weird to hold a new new baby!

After the baby shower was Kenlyn's 4th Birthday Party! I use to babysit Kenlyn when she was a little baby, then Melissa took over the job and Kenlyn just adores "Meme."

Here is Kenlyn holding Abby in Kenlyn's closet watching a barbie movie she got for her birthday. Kenlyn likes to pretend Abby is her baby sister, its super cute!

Bebe Pod and Jumperoo!

We got the Bebe Pod as a baby shower gift -(thanks Emma and family!) and Abby just loves it! She has been sitting in it since she was a little over 3 months and she just has a ball in it.

Oct. 10

Aw the Jumperoo! All we have to say is "Abby, jump-a-jump-a-JUMP" and she goes crazy. It's so fun to watch her in it.

My 2 Favorite Bearcats!

I'm going to do a lot of time traveling because I am one of the worst bloggers known to Blogspot!

Oct. 9 2008

My 2 Bearcats...Gosh I love them to pieces!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


BabyLegs are basically baby tights but aren't connected and cover just the legs. You can order them from ,buy them from target or make them out of adult knee socks. Here are the directions Grandma and I followed but you have to make sure and read all of the comments because the directions can be confusing, but are simple once you get them.

These are made from tall toe socks. I'm making MORE tomorrow so I will post more pictures of my finished products!!

Yay for (fake) BabyLegs!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thank You Nicole...

Though I haven't won yet I am trying to increase my chances by 25!!!
This amazing website will be giving away a free Handbag every hour on Oct. 15th, 24 FREE bags!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I found a how-to website on how-to make babylegs! I am now obsessed with them. So this past weekend we went over to grandmas house to use her sewing machine, so as dad watched Abby, grandma and I were busy in her sewing room trying to figure out those darn instructions. Eventually we got it. Now I can't wait until friday because I have more stuff to make MORE babylegs!! $3 a pair totally beats $12-$20 a pair!

Love this pic of Abby and Melissa, and I didn't mean to get Mels face in the pic.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Already 4 Months!

Abby has already been here with us for 4 months! She is just an amazing little person that we just love so much. She is such a wonderful and fun baby, she is the joy in our lives! Her personality shines more and more each day!

Abby had her 4 month appointment today and again, her doctor was absolutely impressed with her! She weighed 14 lbs 4oz and she is 25 in tall, (funny fact: she is measuring TALL)! She is sitting and standing great with some support and rolling over tummy to back. She loves to bat and grab at all different things from her toys, bottle, and us. She is also teething so she loves to put things in her mouth, and she is very creative how she does it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Showin Off My Skills!

Abby has been rolling over for a little over 3 weeks now. She kind of took a little break between those weeks, but now she has perfected her new skill!

(I sound like a DORK!)

This is from today. Abby is 17 weeks. I can't believe my sweetie is going to be 4 months in just 4 days!

Silly silly Abby!

Abby loves sitting outside, sitting in her Bebe Pod and chewing on her Bebe Pod! She's too much fun!

Monday, September 8, 2008

New Toys!

Daddy playing Madden...
Abby showing Daddy how you WIN playing Madden!

This weekend we bought Abby a Jumperoo and she loves it! We love watching her grab at the toys. Its so fun to listen to her silly giggles, (it's silly because its not so much a sweet innocent giggle, its more of a manly laugh! So fun!)
Sunday was the Chiefs first game so Abby was all for the Chiefs, just like her Daddy!

JUST FOR NANA! I told you she would LOVE this thing!! Thank you :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Abby News: Roll Over! Roll Over!

Abby rolled over (tummy to back)! Oh my, it was soo amazing to get to see her do it for her first time! Here's the story: Abby was taking a nap on Grandma Sonyas bed this past weekend and I heard her starting to wake up, so I peeked in the room and I noticed that she was putting her little tush way up in the air. So I went and got Brent to come and watch her with me. We watched her for about 5 minutes at she kept getting closer and closer to pushing her body over to her back. So I ran and got my camera and started to record her! And low and behold about 2 minutes later, she rolled over! I am super glad I got to witness this huge milestone but to get it on camera is awesome! I think it's a little long to post but I will try.
Abby just amazes me more and more everyday! I love her to pieces! Every time she shows off her little smile it just melts my heart! I feel so blessed to have something as precious as her and extremely blessed to be her mom and to have such a loving and caring boyfriend as Brent. He is such a great dad and is so great with Abby! Abby is truly a Daddy's Girl, not to mention Abby already has Brent wrapped around her finger!

Here are a couple of Abby's 3 month pictures even though Nana M has already posted one of them.

3 month Stats: 12 lbs even 22 3/4 in.

We moved!

I know this is kind of late but WE MOVED! Brent, Abby and I got an apartment in Maryville, where I go to school, Brent works and Abby's doctor is at. It's about 45 minutes from mom and a bigger town then Albany! We love it here. We love the fact of finally being on our own, in our own space, living as our own little family! Though we are both very thankful for mom and Sonya for supporting us and putting a roof over our heads, I do miss being in Albany and not being able to see mom everyday but we do make a trip back every weekend! ;) Grandmas and Nanas need their Abbers fix!

Sorry for the picture overload!